Oak Alley 的 main house 正面左右是兩排參天古木(都是有百年以上的橡樹),遠遠望去非常壯觀。main house 每整點有 guided tour,導遊還打扮成19世紀時的裝扮,帶領大家穿越時空,回想當年農莊主人位在金字塔頂端的生活方式。
【Frontal view of Oak Alley main house】 |
【One of the many beautiful oak trees】 |
【The roots of the trees are particularly impressive】 |
【Side view of the main house】 |
【Our main house tour guide in the costume of 19th century】 |
【Dining room with a huge fan (manually operated)】 |
【manual bed warmer (empty tube with housing for coal)】 |
【State-of-the-art furniture of the era】 |
【Ceiling light - at the time, candles were used】 |
【Huge silverware (made with actual silver)】 |
南北戰爭之後,蓄奴變成非法,但是長久以來的經濟活動模式不可能一夕斷絕,所以眾多奴隸慢慢變成有薪為地主工作,不過仍然有許多苛扣薪水,或只發"消費券"而消費券又只能跟農莊裡的福利社以不合理的價錢買東西種種情事(不見得專指 Oak Alley,這種現象在當時應該很普遍),儘管黑人"自由"了,社會上也還普遍認為黑人是奴隸階層,也不享有完全的公民權。又過了大半個世紀,平權運動發生,法理上黑人得到了平等的地位。但,真正的種族平權,似乎從來就沒有達成過,我們仍然有很長的路要走。
【Dorm buildings for the slaves】 |
【Beds in the hospital - the slaves did not get a bed unless they were sick.】 |
【Living quarter of the slaves】 |
【Typical room】 |
【Cauldron used during the sugar-making process.】 |
【Display of tools used in sugar cane farming.】 |
【So many people with just names left behind (and in some other cases not even the names) together built the Oak Alley】 |
【By mid 19th century, slavery is prevalent in the southern states, especially along the rivers where plantations are. The percentage of slaves reached 80+% in some counties.】 |
【Eating traditional creole food of Louisiana】 |
【The "oak alley" leading its way to the river bank.】 |
【Mississippi River. Large cargo ships steer up and down, carrying produce and goods.】 |
【Map for the prominent plantation homes along the Mississippi River. So many of them.】 |
【Some of the colorful flags outside of the gift shop.】 |