Sunday, September 10, 2006

Background: About myself and how the trip started

I was a Ph.D. student at University of Southern California (major in EE) by the summer of 2006. It was my third year in the Ph.D. study. At that time, one major event happened to our research group. Our advisor was transfering from USC to University of Florida. After some serious consideration, I decided to move with him. Therefore, I had to move a long way across the country, from LA on the West Coast to Gainesville, FL on the East Coast.

I also love traveling. For long I have heard about the National Parks in Utah, a chain of pearls you can visit one of them a day for five consecutive days. I didn't go on a travel for some time back then, so I thought this might be a chance to fulfill a wish I had for long. As I mentioned, the trip started from a wishful thinking, and these national parks form the core of the wish. At the end, they turned out worth the effort of making the trip by themselves.

A little bit more about myself: I also like baseball a lot, and I enjoy exploring the unknown. It is just a good match for such a trip. You will see more about this in the following articles.


Anonymous said...

Good luck in your future research and career, Weijen!. This is really nice blog and I am so impressed by your literatural talent (What was your major?). I hope I am the first one leaving comment.

Anonymous said...

Good luck in your future research and career, Weijen!. This is really nice blog and I am so impressed by your literatural talent (What was your major?). I hope I am the first one leaving comment.